Top content from the major studios and some of the greatest sex models online. Exclusive homosexual porn movies with uncensored men only sex action is what we specialize. Hence some of the doubters around the MCU’s Wanda Maximoff/Scarlett Witch recently turning to the dark side in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, despite Marvel giving her an entire TV show that more than hinted at her descent into villainy.īen Affleck’s caped crusader faced the same issues after he decided to take on the man of steel in 2016’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and never really recovered from being recast as the bad guy (though rubbish screenwriting certainly didn’t help).Ĭan Johnson’s Black Adam avoid all these future torments? Only time will tell, but for now he’s here, he’s more badass than a parade of monster trucks blasting out 80s hair rock, and he’s nothing like any hero we’ve seen in similar superhero fare. Its pages are packed with smashing videos. Stop by DrTubers most recent gay sex videos with Black Muscle.
In the comics, superpowered individuals can take decades to go from good guy to bad and back again: on the big screen there is a lot less time to show audiences quite why the chap you just saw helping to save the known universe has just decided it might be a good idea to destroy it. There’s a reason Tom Hardy’s Venom has not yet battled Spider-Man in the Sony-owned Marvel movies, beyond the tangled web of contractual ownership of Tom Holland’s masked wall crawler.